Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Sydney

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CidneyEnglishFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Cidney
CydneeEnglishFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Cydnee
CydneyEnglishFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Cydney
SidFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sid
SiddieFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Siddie
SidellFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sidell
SidneFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sidne
SidneyFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sidney
SidoneyFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sidoney
SidoniaFrenchFollower of Saint DenysPopularity of Sidonia
SidonieFrenchFollower of Saint DenysPopularity of Sidonie
SydFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Syd
SydelFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sydel
SydellFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sydell
SydneeFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sydnee
SydnyFrenchFrom the city of St. DenisPopularity of Sydny