Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Samuel

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SamelleHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Samelle
SammieHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Sammie
SammyHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Sammy
SampsonHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Sampson
SamsonHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Samson
SamueleHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Samuele
SamuelsonHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Samuelson
SansonHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Sanson
SaulSpanishAsked of GodPopularity of Saul
SaulHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Saul
SaulyHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Sauly
SchmuelHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Schmuel
ShemuelHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Shemuel
SollyHebrewAsked of GodPopularity of Solly