Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Naldo

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AbeerHebrewStrongPopularity of Abeer
AbirHebrewStrongPopularity of Abir
AlcanderGreekStrongPopularity of Alcander
AlcandorGreekStrongPopularity of Alcandor
AlcindorGreekStrongPopularity of Alcindor
ArsenGreekStrongPopularity of Arsen
BrianCelticStrongPopularity of Brian
BrianEnglishStrongPopularity of Brian
BriandCelticStrongPopularity of Briand
BriantCelticStrongPopularity of Briant
BryanCelticStrongPopularity of Bryan
BryanEnglishStrongPopularity of Bryan
BryantCelticStrongPopularity of Bryant
BryantEnglishStrongPopularity of Bryant
BryonEnglishStrongPopularity of Bryon
CarelFrenchStrongPopularity of Carel
CarloFrenchStrongPopularity of Carlo
CarlosFrenchStrongPopularity of Carlos
CarolosFrenchStrongPopularity of Carolos
CarolusFrenchStrongPopularity of Carolus
DhirenIndianStrongPopularity of Dhiren
DrudGermanStrongPopularity of Drud
DrugiGermanStrongPopularity of Drugi
DurangoFrenchStrongPopularity of Durango
DureauFrenchStrongPopularity of Dureau
DurellEnglishStrongPopularity of Durell
DuronFrenchStrongPopularity of Duron
DurrellEnglishStrongPopularity of Durrell
FerminSpanishStrongPopularity of Fermin
HardtmanGermanStrongPopularity of Hardtman
HardyTeutonicStrongPopularity of Hardy
HartmanGermanStrongPopularity of Hartman
HartmannGermanStrongPopularity of Hartmann
HonoviNative AmericanStrongPopularity of Honovi
KadarArabicStrongPopularity of Kadar
KarleeGermanStrongPopularity of Karlee
KarlynGermanStrongPopularity of Karlyn
KedarArabicStrongPopularity of Kedar
KemenSpanishStrongPopularity of Kemen
KennardEnglishStrongPopularity of Kennard
LunIrishStrongPopularity of Lun
LunnIrishStrongPopularity of Lunn
MakeenArabicStrongPopularity of Makeen
MakinArabicStrongPopularity of Makin
MaskaNative AmericanStrongPopularity of Maska
MatinArabicStrongPopularity of Matin
MedárdHungarianStrongPopularity of Medárd
MillardFrenchStrongPopularity of Millard
NardoGermanStrongPopularity of Nardo
NeronSpanishStrongPopularity of Neron
OziHebrewStrongPopularity of Ozi
OzziHebrewStrongPopularity of Ozzi
OzzieHebrewStrongPopularity of Ozzie
RaghnallIrishStrongPopularity of Raghnall
RanaldScottishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ranald
RegenwealdEnglishStrongPopularity of Regenweald
RenaldoNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Renaldo
RonEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ron
RonNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ron
RonalEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronal
RonaldScottishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronald
RonaldEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronald
RonaldNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronald
RonaldoSpanishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronaldo
RonanNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronan
RonellEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronell
RonnEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronn
RonnellEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronnell
RonnieEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronnie
RonnieNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronnie
RonnyEnglishPowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronny
RonnyNorsePowerful, Rules with counselPopularity of Ronny
SongaaNative AmericanStrongPopularity of Songaa
StrangAnglo-SaxonStrongPopularity of Strang
TearlachScottishStrongPopularity of Tearlach
ValEnglishStrongPopularity of Val
ValenEnglishStrongPopularity of Valen
ValentinSpanishStrongPopularity of Valentin
ValentineEnglishStrongPopularity of Valentine
ValerayLatinStrongPopularity of Valeray
VallenEnglishStrongPopularity of Vallen