Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Melisenda

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AdonciaSpanishSweetPopularity of Adoncia
AiliGermanSweetPopularity of Aili
AilisGermanSweetPopularity of Ailis
AilseGermanSweetPopularity of Ailse
AlysGermanSweetPopularity of Alys
AnoushArabicSweetPopularity of Anoush
CandieEnglishSweetPopularity of Candie
CandyEnglishSweetPopularity of Candy
ChoBurmeseSweetPopularity of Cho
DelcineSpanishSweetPopularity of Delcine
DolceSpanishSweetPopularity of Dolce
DukineSpanishSweetPopularity of Dukine
DukineaSpanishSweetPopularity of Dukinea
DulceSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulce
DulceaSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulcea
DulcieSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulcie
DulcinaSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulcina
DulcineaSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulcinea
DulciniaSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulcinia
DulsieSpanishSweetPopularity of Dulsie
HonbriaEnglishSweetPopularity of Honbria
HonbrieEnglishSweetPopularity of Honbrie
HunigEnglishSweetPopularity of Hunig
MadhurIndianSweetPopularity of Madhur
MadhuraIndianSweetPopularity of Madhura
MalvinaIrishSweetPopularity of Malvina
MandisaAfricanSweetPopularity of Mandisa
MelisandeFrenchStrength, DeterminationPopularity of Melisande
MelisandeGermanStrength, DeterminationPopularity of Melisande
MelosaSpanishSweetPopularity of Melosa
MelosiaSpanishSweetPopularity of Melosia
MillieFrenchStrength, DeterminationPopularity of Millie
PangiAfricanSweetPopularity of Pangi
RekaMaoriSweetPopularity of Reka
RhaxmaAfricanSweetPopularity of Rhaxma
SakariNative AmericanSweetPopularity of Sakari
TapangaAfricanSweetPopularity of Tapanga
TataAfricanSweetPopularity of Tata
ZiselHebrewSweetPopularity of Zisel
ZyselHebrewSweetPopularity of Zysel