Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Mabel

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AmabelFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Amabel
AmabelLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Amabel
MabellaFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Mabella
MabellaLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Mabella
MableEnglishMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Mable
MabryFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Mabry
MabryLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Mabry
MaibelleLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maibelle
MaibelleFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maibelle
MaybelleFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maybelle
MaybelleLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maybelle
MaybellineFrenchMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maybelline
MaybellineLatinMy fair maid, LovelyPopularity of Maybelline