Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Colm

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CalumCelticDovePopularity of Calum
ColemanIrishDovePopularity of Coleman
ColfreEnglishDovePopularity of Colfre
ColmanIrishDovePopularity of Colman
ColmcilleIrishDovePopularity of Colmcille
ColonSpanishDovePopularity of Colon
ColumboIrishDovePopularity of Columbo
ColverEnglishDovePopularity of Colver
ColvyrEnglishDovePopularity of Colvyr
CulverEnglishDovePopularity of Culver
JonahHebrewDovePopularity of Jonah
JonasSpanishDovePopularity of Jonas
MalScottishDisciple of Saint ColumbiaPopularity of Mal
YonahHebrewDovePopularity of Yonah