Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Camille

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CameliaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Camelia
CamellaEnglishCamelia FlowerPopularity of Camella
CamelliaEnglishCamelia FlowerPopularity of Camellia
CamilaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Camila
CamillaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Camilla
CammieLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Cammie
CammillaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Cammilla
CammyLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Cammy
KamillaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Kamilla
KamilleEnglishCamelia FlowerPopularity of Kamille
KamilleLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Kamille
MilaLatinAttendant at a religious ceremonyPopularity of Mila